From Boston to Constanza!



How we get to the island -

We will fly out as a group on a nonstop flight to Santo Domingo. Tickets are purchased as a group. We will usually take a morning flight so that we can get to Constanza on the same day! This means that if you live outside Boston, ideally, you’ll fly into Boston the night prior to departure. If you would like to make other arrangements, feel free to contact Greg!

Once on the island -

We will rent vans once in Santo Domingo and drive up the mountain to Constanza, stopping for lunch along the way.

Santo Domingo!

Santo Domingo!


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 Hotel Constanza


The Hotel Constanza is a hotel located slightly outside the center of the city. It is about 10 min away from both our partner headquarters (Puente Headquarters) as well as our clinic site. It is clean, secure, and convenient. We use the hotel on every trip and have never had problems. The grounds of the hotel are safe and monitered. You will have a roommate (unless otherwise arranged). Food and water at the hotel is safe to eat and drink as well.

Contact Info: 809-563-5048

Here are some more pictures of Hotel Constanza from our past trips!

 Hotel Palacio


The Hotel Palacio is a beautiful hotel located near the center of the capital, Santo Domingo. We will stay here when we return from Constanza. We have stayed here previously and know the area around the hotel well. Hotel Palacio is situated in the colonial district which provides lots of great opportunities for sightseeing, shopping, and dinning.

Contact Info: 809-573-9797

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Here are some more pictures of Hotel Palacio from our past trips!


Breakfast: Breakfast is offered every morning at the hotel (both in Constanza and Santo Domingo). Usually a variety of foods are available including fresh cut fruit, eggs, toast, coffee, etc. The food is safe and delicious!

Lunch: We usually eat at the clinic with our entire group of providers, volunteers, interpreters, etc. It provides a wonderful opportunity for cultural exchange and to take a break in the our very busy days. Food is provided by local donas who are specially trained to cook for us!

Dinner: We will usually go to a restaurant or order in from a local restaurant. These are restaurants either we or local partners have visited before and know are safe.

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General Rules for Food Safety

While we do take precautions when it comes to food that is provided, it is always helpful to be mindful of food safety! Here are some general rules to help guide you in all things that you eat:

  1. Never eat any washed food whole (peel your own fruit).

    This applies to fresh fruit or vegetables that are not peeled or cooked.

  2. Do not eat meat that you do not know where it came from.

    We specially work with local donas about what kinds of meat they prepare for us as well as how they prepare for us. While street vendor food might look really good, it may not be good for you.

  3. Always drink bottled water from a freshly sealed bottle (hear the seal snap!).

  4. Do not drink beverages with ice.

  5. If you are concerned, just ask! We are happy to help you navigate food safety issues!

 Typical Day Workflow

Daily Schedule

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Weekly Schedule

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Possible Work Stations

Shadowing Doctors

Diabetes/Hypertension Screening

Painting Fluoride on Teeth

Casa a Casa teams

Anemia Testing

Translating (if applicable)