Our Team


Jerry Smith


Executive Director

Jerry became Executive Director of Health Outreach Foundation in July 2012. However, prior to being named executive director, he served as a board member since moving to the United States from the UK in August 2005.

Prior to joining the Foundation full time, he was a business coach in Kansas City while also volunteering time to the Foundation. His background in the UK included working in the logistics sector with a computer company, and as a director for a recruitment and training business before moving to the US with his family.

Jerry and daughter Amelia

Jerry and daughter Amelia

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Gregory Rudolph


Program Director - Dominican Republic

Director of Special Programs

Greg Rudolph is the Director of Special Programs and leads medical service trips to the Dominican Republic. A graduate of Tufts University, he completed the Harvard Extension post-baccalaureate program and attended UVM medical school. Greg has led medical trips to the Dominican Republic for over 10 years. When he’s not in the DR, Greg is a teaching assistant and pre-medical advisor at Harvard College.

Emma Miles 

Program Coordinator - Dominican Republic

Emma Miles serves as Program Coordinator for the MST to the Dominican Republic. After graduating from Duke as a biomedical engineer, she set her sights on medical school by way of the Harvard Extension School. Emma has been with the Foundation for a year and brings fresh eyes to the project. When not coordinating marketing, social media, web presence, trip logistics, and deadlines she practices squash and likes to take walks along the Charles.


Jon Rossi


Operations Coordinator - Dominican Republic

As Operations Coordinator, Jon is responsible for identifying and implementing organizational process improvements that increase the efficiency and effectiveness of HOF’s pop-up medical clinics and year-round operations. Outside of his work in the DR, he holds a degree in mathematics from Wesleyan University, works in technology, and is a former rower.

Leila Busch MSN, RN, CEN

Program Coordinator - Philippines

Our Board of Directors

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John Frye


Leila Busch RN

Board Members

Dr. John Hubbard MD

Dr. Maria Kunstadter DDS

Tim Smith MD

Brandon Cusick

Robert Beardslee

Corazon Zamora RN

Ronda White

Lisa Hopkins